Tag Archives: Hannah Givens

Dragon’s Loyalty Award

Thank you very much to Hannah from Things Matter for nominating me for a Dragon’s Loyalty Award!

dragons-loyalty-awardSo here are five random facts about me:

  1. The most recent musical artist I fell in love with is Frenchie Marina Kaye. Expect me to rave about her in the weeks to come!
  2. I have written 15 short stories since January.
  3. I have write 40 (technically 41) Star Wars roleplaying characters, though not all at the same time!
  4. I am currently watching the third season of Orphan Black.
  5. I have been enjoying Tumblr more than I first thought I would.

Dragon’s Loyalty Award recipients can nominate fifteen people, but I think that’s a little much. I’m sticking with five. As always if you don’t do blog awards, you can simply consider this nomination as a token of my appreciation.

Real Neat Blog Award

real-neat-blog-awardMelissa and Hannah surprised me with two nominations for the Real Neat Blog Award on the same day! Thank you very much! May I also say that having only one (hard!) set of questions to answer is awesome? It is!

1. What is the #1 most played song on your iPod (or other listening device)?

I have been listening to the Mass Effect soundtrack for countless hours over the last months. It has become one of my favorite go-to music for writing. To finish a project with a bang, I switch to Star Wars: Throne Room and Finale. It has been a ritual since my higher education days!

2. What is one of your favorite quotes?

  • May the Force be with you. – Star Wars
  • The lyrics from Let Your Light Shine (Bethany Dillon), Le Blues du Businessman (Starmania), Here’s to us (Halestorm), Senorita (Jean-Patrick Capdevielle), Book of Love (Dar Williams) and many more!

3. If you were immortal for one day, what would you do?

Give up on sleep to have more time for doing other things.

4. What’s the most recent movie/book you’ve seen/read? Tell us about it.

The last movie I saw was Sapphire Blue (the day after watching Ruby Red). I haven’t read the books but enjoyed the movies a whole lot more than I expected! I can’t wait for the third one to come out and plan to get my hands on the novels in the meantime.

I am currently reading Fairy Tales and Feminism: New Approaches (edited by Donald Haase). I’ll have probably finished reading it by the time this post goes online. There is a lot of fascinating material in this book. To anyone interested in Fairy Tales, I highly recommend it!

5. What have you always wanted to study (but never had the time)?

Russian, Spanish, Portuguese and Greek.

My nominees are:

As always, if you don’t do blog awards, simply consider this a token of my appreciation!

My questions for you are the following:

  1. If you could adapt one book for the big screen, which one would it be?
  2. Do you have a favorite blogging tip?
  3. What is your favorite genre to read?
  4. Which season is your favorite?
  5. What is your dream vacation destination?

International Women’s Day: #Feminist #Bloggers #MakeItHappen

Since last year, a group of bloggers have been hosting a series of Feminist Friday discussions, and the series has returned in 2015. I have been lucky to be part of this group and am glad to see how far this project has come. I am looking forward to seeing it continue to grow in the months and years to come.

Last month, I thought that we could turn the 2014 posts into an eBook. Everyone involved was on board and we started working on it to make it happen. Feminist Bloggers: The 2014 Collection is available for free on Smashwords (digital formats include Kindle mobi, epub and pdf), as it was our idea to make it available as such. (It is also available on Amazon for $0,99, since Amazon refused to align its price with Smashwords. All benefits made from sales will go to a feminist friendly charity, on which all authors will agree in the near future).

Feminist Bloggers is a collection of twenty feminist essays by eight authors, covering a broad range of topics from feminism as a political label, to rape culture, to various perspectives on education. This volume also includes several pieces about how marketing addresses women and how mass media represent them. Every essay was originally published as part of a blog series hoping to generate a discussion about the topic at hand.

Foreword by Gretchen Kelly, Afterword by Gene’O. Other contributors are David B. Cox II, Diana Gordon, Hannah Givens, Leah Zoller, Sabina Leybold. Cover was designed by Jennifer Miller (using a background by Rose B. Fischer).

Thank you to everyone who was involved in this book project, as well as to everyone who contributed to the discussions and helped spread the word!

Cover designed by Jennifer Miller.

Cover designed by Jennifer Miller.

Links: Feminism

Links: Feminism

Image courtesy of hyena reality / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Image courtesy of hyena reality / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Spectacular Blog Award


Thank you Hannah for nominating me for a Spectacular Blog Award! I am glad that you think so well of this blog and of me!

What’s the Spectacular Blog Award? Well, here are the rules:

  • Everyone else is free to snag the graphic and give it to blogs they find spectacular.
  • When giving the award, add a short post to your blog about the blog you’re nominating and send a comment/note/email to the person receiving the award…just so they know.
  • The blog receiving the award does nothing except enjoy it. No lists of facts, no lists of nominations, no lists of questions…just no lists. Of course, the nominated blog is free to grab the picture for bragging purposes. 😀
  • Go forth and spread the love, people! 😉

I shall spread the love by nominating FANgirl – The Blog for this Spectacular Blog Award. This is one of my favorite sites that talks about so many things that matter to me: female fans, Star Wars, storytelling, female characters. Tricia and the other contributors are smart, kind, enthusiastics: in one word, they are true fangirls.

The Spectacular Blog Award was created by Nerd in the Brain.

Mega-Awesome Super Inspiring Voltron Award

Thank you very much, Hayley Knighten, for nominating me for the Mega-Awesome Super Inspiring Voltron Award! I am always so grateful with the support from the WordPress community and from the talented and friendly bloggers I have met since I joined in summer 2013.

mega-awesomeThe Rules / Guidelines

  1. Thank and link the amazing person(s) who nominated you.
  2. List the rules and display the award.
  3. Share seven facts about yourself.
  4. Nominate 15 other amazing blogs and comment on their posts to let them know they have been nominated.
  5. Optional: Proudly display the award logo on your blog and follow the blogger who nominated you.

7 Facts about Myself

  1. I love teddy bears and other stuffed animals.
  2. I hope to have my first fiction work, a Science Fiction novella for children (in French), published later this year.
  3. I fell in love with the X-Files because of the three parter: Gethsemane, Redux I and II.
  4. Russian is one of my favorite languages, but I can’t understand or speak it.
  5. I originally watched both The Fellowship of the Ring and Game of Thrones for the same reason: Sean Bean.
  6. It took me a long while before joining Tumblr but I’m glad I did. I love it.
  7. I have a passion for notebooks.

My Nominees

In case any of my nominees doesn’t wish to accept the award, please simply consider this a token of my appreciation for your blog.

Links: Redefining Disability, Feminism, Diversity and Science Fiction

Links: Redefining Disability, Feminism, Diversity and Science Fiction

Anastasia Dualla. Source: Battlestar Galactica Wiki.

Anastasia Dualla.
Source: Battlestar Galactica Wiki.


Upcoming Blog Series Progress, Tumblr Questions, Links: Diversity, Writing, Social Media, Tinker Bell

Preparations for my upcoming blog series A Galaxy of Possibilities: Discussing Character Writing, Diversity, Star Wars and Fandom are going well. The logo is ready, as previously mentioned and I have the musical “theme” for the short videos. I have now done more than half of the scripting for the introductory video segments. Once they are all ready, I will move on to the preparation of the actual posts. After much deliberation, I have decided that I will work on having everything prepared before the launch of the series (posts and videos). I will of course edit certain posts as time goes by if the characters I’m analyzing undergo significant changes, but with much up in the air in my life, I don’t want to see the quality of this series diminishing or lacking time. This is why I am unsure of when exactly this series will be launched, though it will be this summer for sure. The more I work on it, the better it is coming along, so I am pretty optimistic about the final results and am looking forward to all the discussions it might spark.

Photo Credit: Sonja Langford.

Photo Credit: Sonja Langford.

In the past months, I brought up the possibility of expanding my online presence to another platform (I am not willing to add more than one as it is important that I can really engage with people without spreading myself too thin). I am still debating over it, but I might decide to go for a Tumblr account. The one time I tried it, I ran away screaming (and this isn’t stretching the truth much). I tend to love how it looks and I know quite a few people I interact with are also there. So I would be interested in having feedback from you Tumblr users. How flexible is the platform? Any recommendation for a theme/place to find free ones? How easy (or not) is the tagging/queuing system? I’d set up automatic shares on Tumblr like I have on LinkedIn and Twitter, but I’d look into being a bit active there. I also wonder how the sourcing aspect of Tumblr works. I know that I could just simply Google all of this, but being able to have actual input from users would be extremely useful. Thank you!

Links: Diversity, Writing, Social Media, Tinker Bell

Blog Updates + Links: Feminism, Diversity, Alien, Batman, Star Wars, Tinker Bell, Tolkien, Wonder Woman

The upcoming blog series A Galaxy of Possibilities: Discussing Character Writing, Diversity, Star Wars & Fandom is coming together bit by bit. I now have a logo/banner, music for the video segments, a model for the script writing of said segments and I hope to soon start preparing the first actual posts. I’m so excited about this project and I’m relieved that this is coming together the way it does so far. I’m still nervous about the actual taping, but I hope that it will go fine, since the editing will be easy in comparison!

ID-100188595 - Laptop Computer With Books, Isolated On White Stock Image - cooldesign

Links: Feminism, Diversity, Batman, Star Wars, Tinker Bell, Tolkien, Wonder Woman


Blog Updates, Links: Feminism, Science Fiction, Disney, The Lord of the Rings, Writing

ID-10048468 - Book On Wooden Floor Stock Image - Kookkai_nakFor the past couple of weeks, I have been able to write and schedule posts in advance, which has been very practical for my other projects. I have also continued to plot my upcoming blog series A Galaxy of Possibilities: Discussing Character Writing, Star Wars and Fandom, and I hope to test taping the video segment for introductions this month. I’m not worried about the editing, but I have little experience in actual taping, so I hope it will  go well and that my computer webcam will behave!

I have also updated my Appearances page with the recent book cover project and my two guest blog posts. This blog reached a milestone I didn’t see coming so quickly! I am past the 200 posts now! I am very happy of how my experience on WordPress has been so far and am looking forward to celebrating one year on this platform end of June!

Links: Feminism, Science Fiction, Disney, The Lord of the Rings, Writing