Tag Archives: Diana Gordon

International Women’s Day: #Feminist #Bloggers #MakeItHappen

Since last year, a group of bloggers have been hosting a series of Feminist Friday discussions, and the series has returned in 2015. I have been lucky to be part of this group and am glad to see how far this project has come. I am looking forward to seeing it continue to grow in the months and years to come.

Last month, I thought that we could turn the 2014 posts into an eBook. Everyone involved was on board and we started working on it to make it happen. Feminist Bloggers: The 2014 Collection is available for free on Smashwords (digital formats include Kindle mobi, epub and pdf), as it was our idea to make it available as such. (It is also available on Amazon for $0,99, since Amazon refused to align its price with Smashwords. All benefits made from sales will go to a feminist friendly charity, on which all authors will agree in the near future).

Feminist Bloggers is a collection of twenty feminist essays by eight authors, covering a broad range of topics from feminism as a political label, to rape culture, to various perspectives on education. This volume also includes several pieces about how marketing addresses women and how mass media represent them. Every essay was originally published as part of a blog series hoping to generate a discussion about the topic at hand.

Foreword by Gretchen Kelly, Afterword by Gene’O. Other contributors are David B. Cox II, Diana Gordon, Hannah Givens, Leah Zoller, Sabina Leybold. Cover was designed by Jennifer Miller (using a background by Rose B. Fischer).

Thank you to everyone who was involved in this book project, as well as to everyone who contributed to the discussions and helped spread the word!

Cover designed by Jennifer Miller.

Cover designed by Jennifer Miller.

Wonderful Team Member Readership Award

I can’t believe of how many people have nominated this blog for awards, in the past few weeks. You guys rock and I am humbled by your kindness and praise for what I write and share here!

Thank you very much to Diana at Part Time Monster for nominating me for a Wonderful Team Member Readership Award!


1) The nominee shall display the Wonderful Team Member Readership Award logo on his/her blog.

2) The nominee shall nominate 14 bloggers s/he admires, over a period of 7 days, all at once or little by little, by linking to their blogs and informing them about it.

My Nominees

In case any of my nominees doesn’t wish to accept the award, please simply consider this a token of my appreciation for your blog. I am using the ping as notification of the award. 🙂

Mega-Awesome Super Inspiring Voltron Award

Thank you very much, Hayley Knighten, for nominating me for the Mega-Awesome Super Inspiring Voltron Award! I am always so grateful with the support from the WordPress community and from the talented and friendly bloggers I have met since I joined in summer 2013.

mega-awesomeThe Rules / Guidelines

  1. Thank and link the amazing person(s) who nominated you.
  2. List the rules and display the award.
  3. Share seven facts about yourself.
  4. Nominate 15 other amazing blogs and comment on their posts to let them know they have been nominated.
  5. Optional: Proudly display the award logo on your blog and follow the blogger who nominated you.

7 Facts about Myself

  1. I love teddy bears and other stuffed animals.
  2. I hope to have my first fiction work, a Science Fiction novella for children (in French), published later this year.
  3. I fell in love with the X-Files because of the three parter: Gethsemane, Redux I and II.
  4. Russian is one of my favorite languages, but I can’t understand or speak it.
  5. I originally watched both The Fellowship of the Ring and Game of Thrones for the same reason: Sean Bean.
  6. It took me a long while before joining Tumblr but I’m glad I did. I love it.
  7. I have a passion for notebooks.

My Nominees

In case any of my nominees doesn’t wish to accept the award, please simply consider this a token of my appreciation for your blog.

Feminist Friday: In Case People Still Wondered Why Feminism And #YesAllWomen Are Needed

For the past months, I have participated in several Feminist Friday discussions about a wide range of topics, with a few other bloggers. Last week, the focus was on the Feminist label itself. As I commented, I think that the label is still needed and I have called myself a feminist for many years, no matter how many times I have to explain again and clarify that I am not a man hater or assorted negative clichés. (I am not saying that some people calling themselves feminists haven’t gone to such extremes, but that is a problem with many labels. Negative branches of a label can easily taint the whole tree, but it doesn’t mean the other branches have to change using said label).

Earlier this week, I came across a Tumblr post (which I reblogged) that featured pictures and shared a link to the following article: Disturbing Google Searches For Feminism, Re-Imagined by Inspiring Feminists by Elizabeth Plank. While the article goes back to late 2013, I didn’t come across it before.

Rape culture and violence against women is no news to me, but when I read the article and saw all the pictures, I was just shocked to see it all again. I think that the idea behind this was great and showed that there is still great need to bring awareness about these rampant issues and to continue fighting for equality until equality isn’t just a word or a dream but a reality. Sure, much progress has been made, but we are far from equality even now.

Source: mic.com

Source: mic.com

I am only sharing two of the examples posted on the article page, but they give you enough of an idea of the point both of the article and this post. Teaching girls to protect themselves isn’t going to solve the problem. As long as men will continue to spread the women hate, and that some of said hate will be considered trivial and nothing to be worried about (after all it starts with insiduous things such as little girls being told that if a boy hits them it means the boy likes them and it is one tiny example among tons of others).

This article, just as the #YesAllWomen hashtag shows how the Internet now plays a crucial part in seeking equality and is another battle ground like anything not online related is. Everything is related, in the good and the ugly.

Source: mic.com

Source: mic.com

I am grateful that people from all and any gender support equality and I hope that this continues to spread so that mentalities and thus societies can evolve in the right direction. This is also why I thought that the article that prompted this post featured a diverse group of feminists, because equality isn’t about a country or even a continent. This is a goal that must be attained on a global scale and it is important that we understand this and don’t choose an elitist approach, because every drop in the ocean matters. If people are willing to make a positive change, they are all welcome to, and they shouldn’t be discouraged.

I know that the road to equality is still long, but I’m not planning to stop marching on.

Links: Writing, Feminism, Science Fiction

Source: Wookieepedia.

Source: Wookieepedia.

Links: Writing, Feminism, Science Fiction

WordPress Family Award

Thank you Diana at Part Time Monster for nominating me for a WordPress Family Award! I am happy and honored! I wish you further success and joy with your blog and looking forward to all the future posts and discussions it will bring!


I love the notion of family in a large and wide sense, that include the one you choose for yourself, beyond the one you were born in. I am very grateful for my online family and I am glad I joined WordPress when it was time to find a new place for my site. I’m lucky  to have read so many interesting things, joined compelling and thought provoking discussions and met great people.

Source: Lethal Weapon Wiki

Source: Lethal Weapon Wiki

This whole family discussion makes me think of one of my favorite movie series, Lethal Weapon, and I can’t resist sharing the family shot at the end of the final movie, which shows how far people have come along and become close, despite complicated starts and other moments.

I’m tempted to pass this award on to people I have most collaborated with, because you guys are a constant inspiration to me, but I have already all awarded you with one or two nominations already, so I’ve decided to share this award to other great people and blogs, that I never nominated before!