What is your experience with Google+ Communities?

In the past couple of years, I have been learning more social media platforms and have reached a point where I feel diversified enough. Yet, I am far from making the best out of all my social media and am still learning to improve my presence everywhere. This means that I must learn to interract better with others. One of the few platforms that proves most troublesome for me is Google+. I make sure to have an up to date profile and do solid link sharing (whether other bloggers’ or my own). I still don’t use it much more than for link sharing. My next step is to become active in Google+ Communities. So far, I have joined six of them, all writing and publishing oriented. I am not planning to join more at this stage as I want to be able to get to know other people in them instead of spreading myself too thin. So, I was curious to know about others’ experiences with Google+, especially with the communities. Do you use them? If so, do you have any tips to share?

Source: Unknown.

Source: Unknown.

20 thoughts on “What is your experience with Google+ Communities?

  1. swpants

    I don’t use Google + because I have Facebook and LinkedIn, so Google+ is pointless to me.
    But let me just say that Google drive has been responsible for about 50% of my stress for the latter half of the school year. My students and I (and some colleagues) are all finding out interesting tidbits about it but also find irritation. It’s user friendly only in that it’s easy to move things around and share things. Also it auto-saves. But not everything is intuitive, searching on a non-Chrome browser can be tough and if you move something it takes 5-10 minutes to find it.
    I hate Google but it’s like…not much else is good if you need additional contributors who don’t own the content.


    1. Natacha Guyot Post author

      I remember seeing you complaining about Google Drive. I never use it anymore, unless I need to share things and there is no other way. I had to use it when I served on the OTW a few years ago. And I don’t use Chrome either. I did once upon a time but I’m a Firefox person.


  2. mbarkersimpson

    Sorry, Natacha, I can’t be helpful today. I don’t use Google+ as I should. It’s on my list of things to do, so I’ll be keeping an eye on the thread for useful tips too! 😀


    1. Natacha Guyot Post author

      I prefer not being part of too many groups, whether FB or G+ (or even LinkedIn). I’ll check the links out, thank you. I’m trying to stick to writing/publishing communities for the time being though. 🙂


  3. Karen

    Sorry, Natacha. I currently use Google+ mainly for sharing. Despite being part of various groups, I do not really often have enough time for interaction…


    1. Natacha Guyot Post author

      Time can be a problem, this is why I tend to stick to social media where I am more comfortable and that doesn’t require group joining. I much prefer being able to keep interaction one on one. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Sabina

    I pretty much ignore Google+. People add me to their circles and I just delete the emails with that notification. My social media is more or less limited to FB and Twitter, and I’m fine with that.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Alex Hurst

    I only use G+ for a link depot, too. Basically, I see G+ as a really easy to find Social Media ID card (because you can link ANYTHING), but its layout still isn’t good. I think it should auto send people to your About tab, rather than your shared stuff. I haven’t tried communities, because as you said, there is a danger of spreading myself too thin.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Natacha Guyot Post author

      I have carefully selectioned a few communities but I have no idea whether I’ll be active in them. I’d like to, at least in one or two, but social media can be so time consuming. Even these days, I mostly interact on FB/Twitter/Wordpress and otherwise just share links in other places. And I agree that the layout on G+ could be much better. It’s not so intuitive or good looking compared to other places.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Alex Hurst

        Well, if you want to join a fiction writers group on Facebook, I admin for one that I can recommend. 🙂

        I still get surprised when I get a notification that someone is actually viewing the stuff on my G+, haha.


    1. Natacha Guyot Post author

      Time constraints can get in the way. That’s why I have been prioritizing my social media presence. I’d really like to make better use of G+ but I am still unsure of how it may or may not happen.

      Liked by 1 person


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